there are four skills in English language, speaking, listening, reading and
writing. The most important one in communication skill is speaking, we speak when
we meet the people, and we express our facial action, or movement. So, what is the key factor to improve our
communication skill? Of course, the answer, all of the readers must be raised
is that speaking skill, but how do we should improve speaking skill? Here's
just the ways, of my critical thinking is that; reading is the most powerful
one to improve our communication skill.
There are two reading time habits to
improve reading skill for learning foreign language as beginners. First,
5 minute spending reading before you goes to bed. It's the best way to enhance
your reading style, read loudly without wanting to know in our national
language Khmer. Checking the meaning, while reading can pause your reading
flow. Second, 10 minute reading after you wake up, wakening up,
please do not engage to anything besides just reading English loudly or you can
imitate or recite the things you have done/ read before you go to bed. Remember,
do these ways as regularly, and limitedly without stopping or doubling or
adding to another day. Set your time and put yourselves into the reading habit,
love reading can make you success in your foreign language study.
So the best two ways to improve your
communication skill, are 5 minute spending reading before you go bed, and
10 minute reading after you wake up, can
achieve or not. It depends on you; the success is in your hands. Good habits
can remove one mountain.
Text by Mr. Khem Horn, pictures credit; google search.